popVideo 3
Issue 6074
No Audio/Sound in popVideo after import.
So, this is my process and outcome still at this point:

1.) I have been editing my videos in Vegas Pro 16 (Color Correction, Chroma Key, etc...) and exporting into a .mov file format with embedded "PNG" alpha channel. This has been successful! When I play back in QuickTime, the video and sound are working fine. My goal is to convert .mov files in popVideo for use in iClone 7.

2.) So, I have only been able to achieve this with many experiments in the Vegas Pro 16 software render settings. FYI, I've discovered that exporting the .mov with the audio "uncompressed" only, I am able to import into popVideo (Please note I can see the video in popVideo but I still have no audio/sound). Using any other rendered format (example: compressed audio "ACC" "uLaw 2:1" "Qualcomm PureVoice" to name a few) popVideo crashes.

3.) The exception is when I export my .mov file from popVideo, then import into iClone 7, the audio is still embedded in the new popVideo clip and I have audio/sound playback and video in iClone 7.

This seems to be a work around for now and I'm able to get my work done, but when playing back the .mov file in popVideo I DO NOT have sound. The only other format I can import into popVideo is the original unedited clips from my Canon camera but no sound either. All other formats crash the popVideo program, even files with the .popVideo extension. Also mostly all footage I shoot is a Panasonic AVCHD .mts format. So, I have no choice but to edit and convert my videos in Vegas Pro 16 first.

Note: The price I paid for popVideo, and to have such delay in getting work done because of troubleshooting, plus the software still not allowing me to use any features (except export) is unacceptable. This does not make sense, since all my major programs on my system I use with audio and video are extremely stable and work without flaw (Steinberg's Cubase Pro 10 and Wavelab Pro 9, Presonus Studio One 4 and Capture 3, Vegas Pro 16). I guess my point is "I don't think it's my system".

Suggestion: Would be nice in possible later updates for popVideo that we could make minor edits to the video's like:

1) Video Levels Adjustment = making sure our videos are not too bright or too dark in case they are shot that way to begin with. Therefore, being able to bypass any 3rd party programs prior to import. This could be added to the (Edit>Original Video) tab and would be a great advantage.

2) Some minor Audio editing capabilities such as: Visual .wav on the timeline with Audio Envelopes for adjusting volume, mute or pan. Of course, after you get the bugs worked out. This to could be added to the (Edit>Original Video) tab and would be a great advantage in allowing us to bypass any 3rd party programs prior to import. Just a thought!

Thanks for your consideration!

OS: Windows 10
  •  1
  •  1489
Submitted bynostalgicstudios Jun 27, 2019