Issue 3885
Multiple Opacity Mapped Textures & Render Artifacts, Workaround is Adjusting Viewport Size
Notice this first with imported Daz hair that has overlapping Textures with Opacity maps (existed in previous iC7 builds as well.)
The more opacity-mapped textures involved, the heavier the rendered artifacting will be.
ie - if one, no artifacts, if > 3, becomes increasingly noticeable.
Daz OOT Samira Hair - imported from 3DXchange, has 9 separate hair-piece textures, each one has an opacity map:
(A) Veiwport size effect on rendered artifacts (See images beginning with '1080p')
-Viewport Size Normal (Default)
renders at 1080p - some artifacts
-Viewport Size Full Screen (Ctrl-7)
renders at 1080p - more artifacts and missing texture
-Viewport Size Mini (Drag up timeline so viewport is shrunk to less than 1/4 of screen height)
renders at 1080p - minimal artifacts
(B) Rendered Resolution Size effect on rendered artifacts (See images beginning with 'VPNormal')
-Viewport Size Normal
renders at 1080p - some artifacts
-Viewport Size Normal
renders at 2160p UHD - more artifacts and missing texture
-Viewport Size Normal
renders at 600p - minimal artifacts
(C) Super Sampling Amount on rendered artifacts (See images beginning with 'FinalRender')
-Viewport Size Normal @1080p
Final render at 0x SS - some artifacts
-Viewport Size Normal @1080p
Final render at 2x SS - more artifacts and some missing texture
-Viewport Size Normal @1080p
Final render at 3x SS - more artifacts and more missing texture
*Note 1 - Preview render is also susceptible to the phenomenon and does not avoid issue.
**Note 2 - format of render - JPG, BMP, PNG, TGA - has no effect. All susceptible to the phenomenon.
Thanks for providing the opportunity to improve iClone product and the experience of the iClone user community.
Submitted byTonyDPrime
Apr 25, 2018