Move, rotate tool disappear after using C or X key
Dear Sir, C - orbit X - pan According to fundamental tutorial of iclone 6, the move or rotate tool is still available to use after we press C or X key. However, this is not the case in iclone version 7.73. They disappear. You need to click the dummy figure of "Edit motion layer" to re-activate these tools again. Very inconvenient.
eg. Originally, you see orbit 1.png
Once you press C key, the move tool disappear (move tool still appear in iclone 6 !) (orbit 2.png) This also happens to X key. Please check
I wonder if you still have iClone 6 installed.
I do have both 6 and 7. And the behavior is exactly the same.
Gizmo disappears in both after you use C or X. But the bone is still selected.
To reactivate gizmo I use W or E. And again, this is the same in iClone 6 and iClone 7 as far as I can see.
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