iClone 6
Released in 7.0
Issue 293
Morph Sliders in Iclone
This is really a sticking point for me and a lot of other users, I think. It's time to give us access to our morphs. You allow morph sliders in the Character Creator, but not in Iclone. I think it's time that you stopped cutting us off from morphs in Iclone. There's no reason for it. You allow us to import the morphs, but then you don't allow us to activate them without doing something counter intuitive like attaching them to facial puppet custom controls in the face puppet. Give us a Tab in Iclone where you can access the selected figure's morphs --especially if it's a custom character you've imported to Iclone. The way things are, I can import a character with normal teeth and move it around, but if I want their teeth to slowly become vampire teeth, there's no way to keyframe it even if I have the morph created without doing a lot of workarounds to get there. Having access to my figure's morphs makes all of that easy and accessible. Stop cutting us off from the figure morphs, and give us the morph slider in Iclone --not just 3D Exchange and Character Creator.
OS: Windows 10
  •  7
  •  6417
Submitted bywill2power71
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Ability to keyframe morphs would be awsome.
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