dear sir, crazytalk abuse a huge amount of memory and spaces on hard disk. you see it needs over 100 Gb !!! on hard disk to export 10 min video which huge. I do not understand why, is this normal or defect in program. I attached picture of my hard disk and ram memory for only 9 min project. The virtual memory reached 70 GB which is the only space available on my hard disk. I think this need fixation. Thank you
Dear sir i have sent all the data before in ticket 93483 but there was no solution
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi sherifyousif,
Thank you very much for your feedback!
In order for us to fix the issue, we need to be able to reproduce it. For this we need a precise description of what you did so that we can clearly follow your actions and recreate the same situation.
Here is an example to help you get started:
1. Click the product’s icon on the Desktop or Start Menu
2. Wait for it to launch
3. Navigate to Content Manage > Project
4. Select a random project and click on “Apply”
5. See whether that project can successfully be applied
The project can’t be applied
The project can be applied
Besides, could you please provide the image, video, project or other files you used to us ? If could, please send these file to:
Thank you very much for your understanding.