Material settings suggestion for Reflectivity, and a grammar correction, and maybe broken?
PART 1: BAD SENTENCE in Iray "Material" panel
a) Suggestion: "If deactivated, Reflectivity will also be deactivated"
b) There is a little "box" in front of the sentence. I think it's a stray non-alpha character. Remove it.
I have not tested this yet, but based on the original text ("If deactivate Glossy BSDF the Reflectivity's Reflectance will don't working."), I think that's what is intended.
PART 2: If Enable Glossy BSDF is unchecked, then "Gray out" the Reflectivity settings
If Reflectivity does require Glossy BSDF enabled, then:
a) Gray out the Reflectivity settings when Glossy BSDF is not enabled
b) Add text telling the user that Reflectivity is dependent on Glossy BSDF being enabled
Graying out the Reflectivity settings will avoid situations where the user is adjusting those values, and cannot figure out why they aren't working. This will help prevent user frustration. The additional text (always visible) will also be beneficial.
PART 3: The "Enable Glossy BSDF" checkbox might be broken.
I have not been able to see any changes in the Iray Preview window when I turn the Glossy BSDF On/Off.
Possibly I simply don't have the correct example. I tried a combination of Metallic (0 to 1) and Roughness (0 to 1) settings on some props, and even though the Preview window refreshed each time, I could see no change in the results. That makes me think this is not worked.
For Part #1, cross-reference other typos in Issue #5496 wrote this as a separate issue because of the suggestion to "gray out" the Reflectivity settings (Part 2, above).