iClone 7
Issue 5545
Make it so that body parts can "Squish and Stretch" during animation sequence
There are times when I am animating something (particularly if it is of a "cartoony" nature) when I need to squish or stretch a body part. For example, if I drop a brick on someone's head, I want the head to compress (or squish). Or, if someone slaps their hand on the table, I want the hand to compress. Maybe I want someone to be sneaking around; in that case, I would like the legs to be able to stretch. I realize that we may be able to do something of that nature in the Morph Creator/Animator tool, but that seems to be a very clunky way of going about it.

Wouldn't it be simpler to just be able to select the head and then use the scale tool on it to squish or stretch it?

Given that iClone has made such tremendous strides in the quality of its software over the past couple of years, and given that "Squish and Stretch" is one of the 12 basic fundamentals of animation, I would think that this would be a very welcome addition to iClone.

Thanks for all you do.

Terry Miller
OS: Windows 10
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  •  965
Submitted byTerry Miller