Character Creator 4
Released in 4.12
Issue 9073
Lost file references after update to 4.12
the update to 4.12 has reset the reference location for all the skin gen tools to (C:\Users\public\Documents)
I use the Windows 10 function to assign the documents folder to a separate D drive Which uses (D:\Documents ) as it's reference

CC4 was able to find all files located on the (D;\Documents location until the update to 4.12. Now every time I apply anything from makeup or skingen, I get a failed to load error and a search box popup. This occurs not just the first time an element is applied but every time its applied. So the reassignment is not registered at all
(See the attached screen shot)
I have looked through the preferences and there is nothing there to set the correct reference location. It looks like the reference to (C:\Users\public\Documents) is hard coded

This isnt the first time an update has screwed up file references, it happened with the upgrade from CC3 to CC4 which got corrected

Using a separate drive as a documents location is a legitimate Windows function, and CC4 recognised it before the update to 4.12 so this is clearly a bug.
OS: Windows 10
Duplicate Issue:   CC 4.12 can't find skin textures
  •  10
  •  1410
Submitted byblindman
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Same problem here, only now when I export a Character thats using Skin Gen features to unreal engine 5 they come in looking like something from the 90s! lowest res textures ive ever seen. Its completely holding me up on a kickstarter project now! I need this fixed ASAP otherwise ill be looking elsewhere for character software. I didnt switch to meta human yet because i have supported reallusion from day 1 but this is just unbelievable. before the 4.12 update they were exoporting just fine, now i get the missing file error and crappy looking characters in UE5
I've been through the registry and there is no association for CC4 or the skin tools to (C:\Users\public\Documents)
The references for CC4 has the (D:\Documents) and specificly (D:\Documents\Reallusion_custom\Reallusion Custom) and (D:\Documents\Reallusion\Reallusion Templates) locations for the reference to the Templates folder.
Which tracks, as all the other functions and plugins seem to work. 
I've also noticed that once the following accurs

Load a character with previously applied appearance settings, then and open the appearance editor and the ( failed to load error and a search box) opens, saying the C:Users\Public\Documents\ is missing the files. See attachment (First try)

Selecting auto search and navigating to (D:\Documents\Reallusion ) finds and reassigns the files to the location See Attachment (First reassignment)

Once in the appearance editor apply any setting, and another ( failed to load error and a search box) opens, saying the C:Users\Public\Documents\ is missing the files. see attachment (first change)

Selecting auto search and navigating to (D:\Documents\Reallusion ) finds and reassigns the file to the location and applies the change see attachment (first change reassigned)

Now exit the Appearance editor, then open the appearance editor again and it loads without problem

Now reapply the previously selected setting and another ( failed to load error and a search box) opens,  However this time the location says (D:\Reallusion\00Content\Templates) see attachment (Second Change)
The appearance editor seems unable to reference the registered file locations in the first instance. Then generates  spurious  folders in the location tree, when given the correct location
  • first change reassigned.JPG
  • first change.JPG
  • first reassigned.JPG
  • First try.JPG
  • Second change.JPG
You pay thousands of dollars for a simple character pipeline and expect it to work but no, that's too much to ask from you guys apparently.
same problem!
Same problem
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