iClone 6
Released in 7.72
Issue 655
LiveUpdate & Content Downloader: please add ability to run in the background with minimal user involvement
This is a request to give the LiveUpdate and Content Downloader processes the ability to run in the background, without having to respond to dialogs that they pop up.

This sort of process can be made similar to how installation of plugins etc is handled in the Eclipse IDE ( user may have to indicate agreement to licenses or such but the process is after that typically able to run in the background without requiring that the user responds to prompts on the screen. Installation can be made to a predefined location which could be editable in iClone.

This would be useful e.g. in cases where a users hard drive needs to be replaced (e.g. because of a crash of other reasons) as the process can run at night for example.

It would be useful if the process can download any purchased / non-DRM content in the same way. iClone is already able to determine what content a particular user has purchased so giving this background download process ability to retrieve that content (or any updates to it) should not be technically very complex.
OS: Windows 7
  •  1
  •  3155
Submitted by1 Million Monkeys + Keyboard
1 Million Monkeys + Keyboard
This would also be useful in cases where a user purchases one of those packs containing a large amount of items. Currently the way it works is that the user receives a separate link for each item, and so if you purchase e.g. a "iClone Carnival Motion Combo" ( 13 items) and "iClone Carnival Dance Combo" (11 items), you end up with 24 items to click through and process manually.

Having the ability to download such purchased items more automatically simply by launching iClone (or by launching LiveUpdate) would be a great usability improvement.