iClone 8
Released in 8.1
Issue 8579
Legacy Products strange behavior
Giraffe product, in the Content Store.

At first, the product went black when playing back performance motions. After re-installing the product again, this time it didn't go black, but didin't play the motions triggerd by the performance drop down menu.

Other products from the Marketplace, three do not work properly.

Small Hordes Cows.....
Small Hordes Sheep......
Small Hordes Horses......

......upon re-installation.....these products still go black when trying to play back embedded performance motions.

The products work fine in iClone 7.xx.
I contacted the developer for the Giraffe product:

Hi there,

Don't be angry, but I don't know anything about iClone, ask the Reallusion. I just provided them with the giraffe design.

Regards 4toon
I wrote BIG BOSS directly regarding the Hordes products not working properly.

Bigboss just sent you a private message:

I can reproduce the problem here. This is definitely an iClone BUG. I am not sure I can fix it here but I will try a few things. I cannot figure out why it would be different for those props? I will also talk to RL to get more info as to why removing the bump map fixes the issue but I assume they know they have a bug to fix since they know it is related to the bump map. I agree that removing the bump map is NOT an acceptable workaroud. I will keep you posted.
OS: Windows 10
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Submitted byPodman1000