Hi animagic, Thank you for finding these many problems for RL products. The information that you provided is very complete. We will check it. ^^ Soya
Hi Soya, I've sent a link to the project file to: feedbacktrackeradmin@reallusion.com and feedbacktracker@dmt.reallusionnews.com (I didn't know which one to use). Thanks, Job
Hi Soya, I will get you the project file and post here when it is available. It's a rather large file and my internet is quite slow... Like Dennis said, I'm using GPU-Z (v. 2.16.0), which records all kinds of statistics, including VRAM and RAM usage (you can select which ones to write to a log file). In the attached image, use_gpu-z_logging.png, I show what settings you would use. In the Sensors tab of the Settings dialog for GPU-Z, the time interval is set to 10 seconds (the longest available). The log file has comma-separated values (see gpu-z_log_file.png). This file can be imported into Excel, where you can create a chart based on this data (as shown above). GPU-Z is free and can be downloaded here: https://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/ . Job (animagic)
I told Animagic you are asking for the project file and additional information on the specific details of his test. The chart data was collected by using the "GPU-Z" utility and turning "Logging" on. I think it was set to record data once every five minutes. That writes out a CSV (comma-separated values) file that can be imported into Excel, where you can make charts and graphs. Thank you for your interest. Animagic and I will do as much as we can to support efforts to fix this issue.
Hi justaviking, Thank you very much for your kind assistance. ^^ Soya
Hi justaviking, Can you please give me the project to render? Also, which option did you choose to render the chart in your attachment? Your help is heighly appreciated. Soya