Here you finally get the DAZ Genesis figures to import reliably, and now I find out your file size limitation makes it almost impossible. If you can't fix this, you shouldn't tell people you can import.
Thank you. Will there be a 64 bit version in the future?
Hi, pka4916, After our testing, we think it was because the memory limitation of a 32-bit application, the file size of your fbx is too large for 3DXchange 7. Although the 3DXchange can use up to 4GB memory now, but the actual memory used for a fbx loaded in 3DXchange is much larger than it's file size, which reached the memory bounding when loading your fbx. The possible workaround is to decrease the fbx file size first, and load them in 3DXchange one by one. Reallusion
Your welcome. Looking forward if it can be fixed or not.. My guess it's because it's 32 bit.. but I could be wrong.
Thank you for your feedback. I have downloaded your files from google drive. Reallusion