iClone 7
Not Reproducible
Issue 7614
Iclone crashes (reading from RAM)
Iclone often crashes when using CRTL Z for undo, sometimes without a special operation before. Restore of the work is impossible since the same error occurs when savng as restore project.

I am using 2x Geforce 3090 with Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz 64 GB RAM and a 1050 W power supply. Error occurs too when removing one Geforce 3090.
OS: Windows 10
  • error2.jpg
  •  4
  •  783
Submitted bytkaefer
Hi, any news? I cannot provide the file and it makes no sense in my eyes since in happens with differnet versions sometimes and sometime not. Often it happens when pressing CTRl Z for undo (espacially when Iray Preview is opened and when redoing an action in EDit Motion layer) 

It would be great if you would improve the software that it would catch errors without crashing.

Iclone stays beeing something like Banaware (The goods ripen at the customer's), but it is to expensive to accept this. So please go ahead with a solution.

Kind regards.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi tkaefer,

If you can provide your project to us,it will be very helpful to help us identify the problem.You can set private comment.Others can't see it.If no project,please provide crash dump file to us .But it may not contain valid data.When iClone crash,please don't close the crash dialog,then:
Step1: Open the Task Manager
Step2: Click the "Processes" tab
Step3: Right-click on the "iClone 7 AP"
Step4: Click the "Create dump file"

You can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and put the link in your comment. Thanks

Hi, sorry but this not possible, since the project file contains confidential material which we cannot give outside.

I recognized that it has to do with the file and its complexity. I could reproduce the effect just by Redoing one operation in edit motion layer with CRTL-Z. When I use a small file it does not crash. My Project file is about 8.5 GB big and has about 14 million triangles. When I reduce it to 4.5 GB with 8 million the problem stays. Even if I go to 2.7 GB with 5.4 million trianles the error occurs. But I cannot figure out which element is causing the crash.

So what can be done?
could you provide your project and dump file that you can upload to cloud Drive and share the Link in private comment.

dump file
when error message pop up don't close it (don't click OK) > go to task manager > details > find iClone.exe > right click create dump file > open the file location > upload to cloud Drive > share the link to us