Hi, LucianoAraujo, Nvidia has released the 440.97 Game Ready driver On 2019.10.22, which have fixed the issue that will cause iClone 7 and CC 3 to crash while launching. However, the Studio driver have not update yet. For users who use Studio driver, might want to switch to the 440.97 Game Ready driver, or wait until the next Studio driver release. Since this fix was made in the driver level, no iClone or CC updates are needed. Thank you for your patience to wait for such a long time. Regards, Donnie Reallusion
Thank you everyone who helped me in understanding the issue. The problem is solved now. Have a great week.
I am experiencing the same issues and I am strictly AMD 3+ 8 core FX-8370 CPU and AMD R9 380 Graphics Card. I would say that the latest versions of iClone and CC3 have issues with all recent major brand display drivers. It makes me wonder what sort of display cards and drivers they used when RL developed these updates. Thank you for offering to help. I will see if reinstalling my drivers after DDU will fix my issues, as well.
Hi, dltanner99, Please submit another issue for the AMD display card so that we can track with it. Regards, Donnie Reallusion
Hi, Thank you for reaching me out. I followed the instructions and it is working now.
As has been iterated in the forum and recognized by RL, there are problems with the latest NVidia driver. Try driver version 431.60.