iClone 6
Issue 626
Hairstyle Ethnic Diverity
I love this application. I love Character Creator addition.
My problem is the application fails miserably when it comes to offering the same features with hair in a diverse manner.

What do I mean?

The application doesn't provide enough "Reallusion Created Content" that provides basics for African Americans.
I know one can model in another application and 3DXChange it into iClone. But that is not the same.

There are different size and formation of Natural styles, Afros, Dreadlocks, Cornrows, Braids, Twist, etc... that at some point Reallusion should create content that is dynamic like the others we see advertised.

I can easily go in and create man different characters who are caucasian, but I can't do the same for African Americans.
And I also can't do the same for Asians either. For African Americans I can only create a big, not so realistic afro, I believe a military cut and dreadlocks.

I can't do some of what I would like to do because simply shading a character is not all that comes with the characteristic of a character.

I remember communicating this with Reallusion when I suggested being able to modify Characters with various overbites or gums showing when they smile. Done. Cool.

I was told at that time that Reallusion was working on something, but all I've seen is patchwork solutions like the recent one involving custom hair. But again that requires modeling outside.

Hottest HairStyles that comes with G6 Empowerment
Cloth. Shoes. Hair. Accessories.

... is a fair comparison.

I hope this is NOT what the person was referring to when they said they were working on it because they are not the same thing.
Character Creator 1.5 hair tutorial is not the same as using Hottest HairStyles.

I would think Reallusion could create the ability to size and Afro and customize it like a Sherman Hemsley style from the Jeffersons TV Show, etc... The same with high top fades. Cornrows could have design patterns and varying sizes. Same with dreadlocks and other styles. The exotic braiding might have to be modelled outside, but the basics should be there with capability to make variations. Same with twist. Natural hair style should be easy to do in my opinion.

I just would like to know if this is actually being worked on.

OS: Windows 10
  •  1
  •  2626
Submitted bygreglh
I agree. The content is not diverse when it come to hair styles and the clothes could be better. I'm currently working on some dreadlocks - which takes time. I purchased Iclone6 because I thought I would save time :(