Issue 7131
Gimbal lock error when exporting FBX files from 3ds Max originated from Character Creator 3.
Gimbal lock error when exporting FBX files from 3ds Max originated from Character Creator 3.
Reproduce this issue by:
1. Create Game Base Male (or any character)
2. Export to FBX file with 3ds Max preset
3. Import to 3ds Max (3ds Max 2021) with default preset
4. Export to FBX file with default preset, and observe the errors/warnings (Se attached file 3dsmaxExportError.jpg)
This issue may be 3ds Max not able to handle FBX files fully, i have no clue, but I guess its in your interest that files exported from your tool chain actually is usable in other applications. Is there a workaround for this issue?
I have no problem importing your FBX files directly via the FBX sdk in to our engine, but some times you need to pass thru 3ds Max/Blender etc and fix stuff, and from 3ds Max i get this export error, and if I ignore them and try to import that FBX file in our engine (or any other app) stuff get weird...
Other issues related the FBX files exported from Character Creator 3.
3ds Max: FBX file with animation, if choosing keep bones when importing in Max, the head node animation go bananas.
Blender: FBX file with animation, and using the option [X] Sync root and Hip Motion, do not produce the correct result, character slides, animation not correct.
This two last issues maybe unsolvable from you end or there is workaround for this?
Anders Åkerfeldt
Submitted byanders_187857
Aug 12, 2020