Cartoon Animator 4
Issue 7301
Feature request: Frame rate setting in Project Settings

I would like to see a place in the Project Settings window for setting the project frame rate. As of version 4.3, CA4's frame rate appears to be fixed at 30 fps, but at the animation studio where I work, we always animate at 24 fps.

I realize the frame rate can be manually set when exporting an animation but this isn't the same thing. The process of converting 30 fps animation to 24 fps means frames will be dropped, which is not good for animators (and animation supervisors) expecting to see specific key poses.

At the moment, I'm using CA4 on a personal project, while unofficially evaluating it for use where I work. Adding this feature helps make it more likely that our department can consider adding CA4 to our pipeline.

Thanks for listening guys!
OS: Windows 10
  •  6
  •  1670
Submitted byGreenlaw
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Just to clarify why we need to be able to animate and edit at 24fps: The studio's animatics are always created at created at 24fps, imported assets (effects layers and sound/dialog tracks) are 24fps, and the animators always animate at 24fps.

So, this is a pretty big issue. Without the basic ability to set a project's default framerate, it's not likely that the studio where I work (or most studios, for that matter,) can consider adopting CA in our pipeline.

As mentioned elsewhere, I really like the idea of CA and the direction you guys are taking this program. (For example, the new Ae script is clever, and very welcome since nearly everything I animate in 2D goes through Ae.) 

There are a few other issues that, in my opinion, are obstacles to industry acceptance, and I'll describe those issues in separate 'Feedback' requests.

Thanks for listening, guys!
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