Issue 5238
Failure using Blender to Alter .obj for Morph Creator
Since the upgrade to Iclone version 7.3 I have tried various ways to create a Slider using Morph Creator. Blender is the Program I use and I either get a message "failed to import due to incompatable meshes.." or I get a rather crazy deformed character when I use the slider. The only success I have had was altering a simple torus prop and CurveMan without his glasses (CurveMan with glasses fails). With other objects or characters if they have clothing or other parts such as the eyes, teeth etc. it always fails. My proceedure is: Morph Editor > Export OBJ file > Import into Blender using Keep Vertex Order > Alter mesh using Proportunal Editing > Export re-naming file e.g. Long_Curveman, Tick - Keep Vertex Order. During all proceedures the face count doesn't change at all so I'm not adding mesh. Any suggestions.
Submitted byskearndas
Oct 8, 2018