iClone 8
Released in 8.21
Issue 9366
Expression Wrinkles cause iClone 8.2 to crash when changing normal map

Recently, I discovered an ongoing crash that occurs on iClone 8.2 and Character Creator 4.2 with the Expression Wrinkles. If I choose to change the normal map of the character in the regular normal map thumbnail with the Expression Wrinkles active OR deactivated, iClone 8.2 and/or Character Creator 4.2 will crash. This has occurred multiple times in a row.

If the Expression Wrinkles are completely deleted on the character, the crash will not occur if I change the normal map of the character in the regular normal map thumbnail.

-Select any character in iClone or CC4
-Ensure the Expression Wrinkles are either Activated or Deactivated (grayed out)
-Proceed to 'Material' list for character and attempt to change the normal map to any other normal map via the normal map thumbnail

Result: iClone 8 and/or CC4 will crash after upon attempting to load the normal map.

If Expression Wrinkles are both deactivated and deleted, this crash will not occur.

Will there be an update to address this issue? Thank you.
OS: Windows 10
  • Expression Wrinkles are Active.png
  • normal map change attempt.png
  • Expression Wrinkles are deleted and deactivated.png
  • normal map can be changed.png
  •  1
  •  1026
Submitted bypowerfulZ Mar 7, 2023
kenneth james Mar 8, 2023
IClone 8.2 and CC4.2 Crashing about every 10-15 minutes regardless of what I'm doing. It also Jumbles my Assets and Props if I re-open the previous Saved Versioon of the File!
I have sent two Complaints to Reallusion so far.. I will NEVER again upgrade until I know the Bugs have been worked out.
Feedback Tracker Admin Mar 10, 2023
Hi kenneth james,

Thanks for your reply.
Please send me your working project, so that we can try to identify the crash issue.
You can upload the file to cloud service such as Google Drive, and attach the download link in your next comment.
Also, did you remember any specific steps that caused the crash?
If you can recall, please describe it step by step, it'll help Dev team a lot to fix the issue asap.
Thanks for your help.
