Issue 8032
Export to FBX(clothed character) freezes at 72% - Please help!
The export always freezes at 72% and the app quits after clicking on it. (it worked well few days ago but I updated CC3 in the meantime)
Freezes regardless of the project. Even with a new blank project (underwear female with no alterations)
+ Tried on two different PCs .. same result
+ No special CPU / GPU load in task manager visible.
+ I'm not sure if a Windows update was installed in the meantime.
+ I completely de- and reinstalled everything (including Reallusion Hub) to no avail :(
Export settings:
-Unity 3D
-Mesh and Motion or Mesh only
-Max. Texture Size: 2048 or 4096
-Settings: Mouth Open as Morph or not
-Delete Hidden Faces .. on or off
-Bake Diffuse and Specular .. on or off
Tried CC3 projects saved prior to the CC3 update .. also don't export anymore.
Please help! I am desperate!
Thank you very much
Submitted byPhotonic
Jul 28, 2021