Export from CrazyTalk 8.13 pipeline to CC 3.02 with pipeline extension fails
Try to export head from CrazyTalk to Character Creator, it keeps giving error about having to have CC version 1.3 or above, I have 3.02.
Alternatively, tried to export as RLHead and import in CC 3.02 and get error about please use CC1 Baseline character, I tried to do that but the CC1 baseline characters just gets converted to CC3 anyways and still fails.
Attached the error dialogs images.
Seems to be error in your products that does not match what I understood it should support. If there's a workaround please let me know ASAP as I have a project deadline.
I upgraded to CrazyTalk pipeline just for this, if this doesn't work I'd like to retract my upgrade for a refund please.
This is NOT THE ANSWER...….the product CC3 does NOT DO what we paid for…….i am also getting madder and madder with Realusion over this and other problems that are just ´fobbed´off to keep people quiet!! I am slowly abandoning the Realusion products unless something is done soon about all these issues which cost us the client time and lots of lost money!!!!