Export DRM checking fails and doesn't use same data as marketplace
1. Add the iAvatar I provided to the custom folder 2. Start iClone 3. Add the iAvatar 4. Try "Export as FBX" 5. Message appears that I need to buy export licenses (even though I have everything already and had it when I created the character initially) 6. When the marketplace page open all items are showing that I already own them. 7. (the character cannot be sent to CC3 and the file also doesn't load into CC3, CC3 remains at "Please wait.... 0%", the character was made with CC3 originally and sent to iClone, however).
Here is the link to the iAvatar-File: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjRuwahpC_Nlp_kB22BySX4SIvEggQ?e=MfKyyQ
I just tried one more thing: I removed all the clothes and tried to export. It still wants me to buy some licenses, but the marketplace cart it shows is empty then.
I think iClone/CC must get a feature to rectify DRM issues using the online data that is obviously showing that everything is right. So whenever the offline check results in missing licenses the tool must give the option to verify online and correct the project file as well.
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