iClone 7
Issue 3634
Even more simple motion!
I came to iclone 7 from 4 and director mode was gone along with any game creation mode as far as I know. WHY? We want it back. If you won't give it back then do this for us. Give us a true control for movement via the standard wsadqe keys with shortcuts. I will explain. I feel like I should be able to build a scene and just walk through using keys to move how I want and not have to look up the right motion or personality. I want to be able to place a character and then start walking with simple keys and record if I want like we could in director. Also to be able to set shortcuts for other motions and movements on the fly. The path animation you so call easy to work with is really a pain to work with if you ask me. I should be able to move and dance along and do a flip if I want with simple keystrokes and not searching and refining everything for hours. It would be so much easier to make a movie simply by using the game feature and be able to truly control you toon on the fly without second guessing what you are doing. Give us some real Personality packs that we can just control on the keyboard and no more digging for the right movement and refining it and then building a path and refining it all to work as you want it to look. It would look more real if you move as you do in a video game at your finger tips and not having to keep going and resliding motions and such. I really suggest doing this before someone else does and finally makes there software as easy to use as iclone for animation and scene building this is the bomb... well it was. So for now i still hate using path animation with all the tweeking you have to do to get what you want. I will use iclone 4 and director mode to create motion simply atleast walking and such. Then come back to 7 and add whatever other motions. If not i will start using my unreal engine because i can do all that in there also. PLease make a change for use else i am going to run out of reason to stay with iclone even though it takes 4 softwares to compensate for the beauty of iclone. I love iclone i don't want to have to use other things please make life easier for me. Just give us key touch motion atleast walking and turning and jumping those basic movements would save me HOURS! of work maybe even days. Just sending me a walking pack sorry is not the answer so please concider this to be a game changer for iclone. Else this is not the iclone i used to use and kinda hinders me in what i need it for. I constantly brag of iclone and compete with people rendering Main stream high dollar softwares and Iclone just shines.... I won't buy the next iclone if that's not there i wouldn't have bought 7 had i know what i needed most for time saving is gone. If you do not get that this would make iclone so simple for us doing fast work then maybe that's not it at all and you know this and just don't want us to have it cause iclone comes so cheap compared to others. Either way CHANGE IT! Thank you Michael Ross Johnson. Huntsville Alabama
OS: Windows 10
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Submitted byTrue Vision