Cartoon Animator 4
Issue 7664
Direct Open to Inkscape and/or Illustrator and Linux Compatibility.
I have recently discovered an OpenSource program called Enve. It has some really nice features that would be nice to see here......

These are my 2 wishes.....
One is that you can import files directly created with Illustrator or Inkscape.
Another cool feature is you can distort these images for more effects on the art.

Honestly, I have not gotten too deep into this program since I purchased Cartoon Animator and spending most of my time learning this, but it does have some nice features that would be a really nice addition to this program. I did watch a couple of videos and the manipulation of the imported vector images is really nice. And for those that use illustration programs to draw and not photo editing software, the ability to edit the original image directly from CA would be awesome!!! Yes, photo editors have some nice features for effects so this too is useful and should be kept and vector opening added :)

Oh, I have also recently discovered a plug-in for the xbox one... but only available for iclone6..... It would be nice to see that added to CA as well as iclone7. Almost want to downgrade for that feature. LOL ;)

One more thing.... I would LOVE to see a Linux version of this software. I really hate having to use a dual boot system.... So many other design companies write for all OS's... or most systems... Blender, GIMP, Inkscape, Enve and more...

IMO Linux is a much better OS than Windows. It uses far less system resources and is much faster and more stable than windows. I only had windows installed as I have an older HD video camera with firewire and I have not found Linux software that will download from tape.... the only one I did find is command line driven, a bit cumbersome when you are just looking to pull specific scenes from a tape. Now I split my day... windows for this and linux for everything else LOL. I had hope to drop windows when I purchased a new video camera... looks like I will have to hang on to it a little longer, or at least until I get better with the 2D and 3D animation and go back to linux.

Thank for listening... looking forward to the next upgrade :)
OS: Windows 10
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Submitted byApplebiteMedia