oh, yes, I could reproduce this bug. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.
Here, you can see the result of the .iProject file we gave you as example.
Hi WeiChien, After we read your comment, we came to the conclusion that the bug must be due to a specific tool or something in the scene that may cause this issue. And we finally managed to find it after some tests. The depth of Field is not working correctly in Side by Side, but only when the "Perfect Focus Range" value in the Depth of Field parameters of the camera is between 500 and 1000. At the maximum, the second eye doesn't have any blur effect from the depth of field. We send you a .zip containing a .iProject file as example.
Hi jjmantello, I am a developer from Reallusion. I used a very simple scene with water and a box. The stereo image with dof works for me. Would you mind to provide a screen shot from your viewport and a rendered stereo image to show this bug?