3DXchange 6
Issue 644
Daz Extension does not map
After importing a DAZ Genesis 3 (or 2) character into 3DXchange I am able to convert the character to non-standard fine (following this video

However, while all the morphs come over to 3DXchange, none are "Set" in the Expression Editor (except for the head and eye movements that 3DXchange creates automatically). I have to manually Set all Visemes, Muscles, etc.

Steps to reproduce
1. Add Genesis3_Female_iCloneFaceKey.duf to Genesis 3 character in DAZ Studio 4.9
2. Export DAZ FBX (including Figures, Morphs, and animations)
3. Import FBX into 3DXchange
4. Convert to non-standard
5. Open in Expression Editor and attempt to check Visemes, Muscles, etc.

Expected outcome
1. All morphs are applied to character

Actual Outcome
1. Visemes, Jaw, Muscles morphs are not applied in Expression editor
OS: Windows 10
  •  9
  •  6027
Submitted bygorbett
1 2
It's 2018 now and I'm still having this problem. Is there a fix somewhere I'm not aware of?
I having problems as well. I have Daz3D 4.9.4 version and I tried everything to make the jaws work but still no success. Will reallusion fix this problem soon or do we have to keep on manually fix it which is very disappointing and annoying. 
  • Capture.PNG
same issue for me. You can partially avoid/resolve the problem by assigning manually the morph in the expression editor. Sorry for my english. 
In my language (italian): ho avuto lo stesso problema. Ho parzialmente risolto aggiungendo dei keyframe su daz che ricalcassero i movimenti della mandibola, i fonemi che compaiono nell'expression editor di 3dxchange e le espressioni facciali che mi interessavano di più e poi facendo la mappatura manualmente da 3dxchange---->expression editor (nella scheda "custom" si possono implementare anche espressioni personalizzate da richiamare poi su iclone). Sulla sinistra della finestra si possono trovare tutte le animazioni caricate da Daz. Una volta stabilita la corrispondenza fra quelle di iClone e quelle di Daz3d (ad esempio "felice", "arrabbiato", "triste"), si tratta solamente di avere la pazienza di reiterare manualmente per decine di volte la stessa procedura: selezionare nell'expression editor di 3dxchange la voce desiderata e spostare i cursori nel menu del morphing a destra, seguendo come riferimento i nomi delle animazioni assegnate da Daz. Spero di essermi spiegato almeno in italiano :-)
This is an issue for me, also.
Is this a daz issue? Should the animation 'play' as the fbx is baked for export? Because it doesnt.
Il n'est pas normal de faire une promesse et de ne pas la tenir ! nous avons suivi la procédure totale 
le résultat final est affligeant ! 
le JAW et autres ne fonctionnent pas 
je soupçonne REALLUSION de brider la fonction automatique pour l'import genesis 
dans mon Pays cela se nomme une escroquerie 
Donc soit vous faites le correctif qui certainement existe déjà 
soit vous expliquez la procédure en détail 
soit vous faites le remboursement avec des excuses publiques pour escroquerie et mal fonction 
c'est à vous de choisir mais sachez que cela va se savoir !
car une vidéo se prépare à votre encontre pour faux et usage de faux 
à bon entendeur 

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