Curve Editor goes bananas with iClone 7.21 update.
The editor will behave properly for a couple edits then suddenly bugs out. If I touch one handle of one key then the whole line goes bananas (see attached file). I uninstalled and reinstalled the curve editor but it still behaves crazy. There are times I will grab a handle and move it and the line behavior is really weird. None of this happened before the update and the Curve Editor was working so smooth. I am now leaning on the desk with my chin in my hands and tears running down my face.
This issue has been fixed and released in Curve Editor Plugin v1.01, which requires iClone v7.21 to run.
I just found out I have the same problem. See attached before and after "optimization" pics.
Windows 10, i7 5820K, 32GB RAM, GTX 1080 with 397.31 driver.
2IDs media:design
Such Errors SHOULD NOT happen cause we are in Produktion too !!!!
Hope there will be VERY soon a solution.......
This is a really serious problem for people who have productions in progress.
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