Conversion from CC1 to CC3 avatars does not generate proper CC3 topology
According to the CC3 manual, it should be possible to convert from CC1 avatars to CC3 avatars. The expected result would be a pure quad CC3 mesh (as shown in the first attached image); however, the actual result is a very dense triangulated mesh. To reproduce this bug:
1) Load a CC1 base avatar into Character Creator 3. 2) Go to Modify -> Attribute and click "Convert CC1 to CC3." 3) When conversion is complete, press Alt+2 to view a wireframe of the new CC3 avatar. 4) The expected result would be a standard CC3 mesh made up of quads. The actual result is a dense mesh made up of triangles (as shown in the second attached image).
Hi Hookflash,
Thanks for your feedback!
The reason why CC1 base still keep tri-mesh is AP auto apply a Displacement texture to skin material.
This was a issue and we will try to fix it, but currently you can delete these Displacement textures manually, and you will get a correct character.
Thanks for your help!
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