Character Creator 3
Issue 7162
CC 3.3 blocked because of no respect the European GDPR law
Hi the Reallusion FeedBack Team,

Since july 23, I can't use CC3.3, despite the help of our best man in front line (Sir Rampa) !
After several tests, install / uninstall, updates and so many other manipulations over the past 4 weeks, the conclusions are final:

I have not yet managed to get CC 3.3 to work without disabling the Security Software.
This is quite problematic because to limit the risks of intrusions while I am working on Character Creator, I have to unplug the Ethernet cable to cut myself off from the Internet.

I have been able to identify many files blocked by Kaspersky Lab (European version 2020), like "PostgreSQL", "QtWebEngineProcessor", "RLHostService" and so on.
However, apparently not all, because despite having forced acceptance manually, CC 3.3 continues to malfunction, as soon as the security software is activated.

Kaspersky Lab has the largest cybersecurity software vendor market share in Europe: over 400 million European users in 2016!
The GDPR law (General Data Protection Regulation) applied since May 2018 by the 28 countries of the European Union not being respected by the CC3.3 software, Kaspersky Lab (European version of 2020) blocks its use.
The GDPR law.

C.C 3.22 is accepted by Kaspersky Lab 2020 and therefore works fine with security software enabled.
>>> I think that the best SOLUTION would be to reissue a version of C.C 3.3 without the cookies you added compared to version CC 3.22 so that CC.3. complies with the GDPR and can be used by most of your customers and future customers in the European Union.

Hoping it helps,
Philippe (France)
OS: Windows 10
  •  5
  •  1099
Submitted byPhiBix
Private Comment
Feedback Tracker Admin
Private Comment
Hi Irving,

Were you able to get version 19 of Kaspersky Anti-Virus to reproduce the errors of CC 3.3 that I illustrate in my video? 
(The video file will expire on September 17, 2020)

Hoping it helps,
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Philippe,

Thank you for the version information. I have passed on the information to Kaspersky Taiwan and am waiting for their response. In the meantime, can you share the download link or product page of the Kaspersky you are using? Just want to make sure we are testing on the same version.

I appreciate your time spent on clarifying this issue, and will patiently wait for the video.

Hi Irving,

Thanks for your reply.

I appreciate that Kaspersky Taiwan tested it.
But their test seems to have taken place with version KES11.4 of the Kaspersky program.

Due to the GDPR law, in France, Kaspersky Lab has developed several versions until respecting all the constraints.
So, in France, it's not version 11.4 but version 19.0!

This weekend I plan to create a video showing the problem with different setups.

I ring you back very soon !

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Philippe,

We have tested several antivirus tools including Kasperskey but cannot reproduce this issue. Also worked with Kasperskey Taiwan but they cannot reproduce this issue either. I believe Kasperskey Lab can help us identify the problem, but they need more information to reproduce this issue first. We have requested information through the online support system but the ticket has been closed due to no response from you for several days.

So if you can provide the following information, please leave a comment here and attach the information to it:
1. Is your Kasperkey bundled in Orange Security Suite? Can you tell us which version you are using, or provide a screenshot of the about page.
2. Can you provide a video of the described issue. For example, launch CC → load ccproject → carshed → deactivate Kasperskey or unblock certain files then everything works. 
3. Does Kasperskey prompt any message or warning when the error happened? 

Really sorry for the inconvenience, your help is highly appreciated.
