Issue 7140
Auto Setup 1.1 for UE4.24 causes UE to crash
I was asked to report this here:
For one project I am still using UE 4.24 as opposed to 4.25 and every time I tried to send content through Live Link to UE 4.24 UE crashed during the transfer. This was with the latest Auto Setup 1.1 plug in installed.
I tried it numerous times with similar results. I then tried the Auto Setup 1.04 plug in for UE 4.24 and the Live Link transfer worked.
Auto Setup 1.1 for UE4.25 does work with 4.25 but I believe the 1.1 plug in for 4.24 may have an issue.
Joerg Schodl
Submitted bycinemyscope
Aug 14, 2020