This should be the one bounced with 32 Bit (Float). I have a 2nd bounce that works (16 Bit) but I fig you guys already know about what does work. Cheers
Hi bloodofnp, I have got it.Thanks. Molly Reallusion
Hi bloodofnp, Can you provide yor adio file which can't be imported into iClone to us? Molly Reallusion
Hi bloodofnp, Thank you for your feedback.Please provide your audio file to help us identify the problem.If the file size is larger than 10MB, you can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and put the link in your comment. You can use Private Comment if you want to keep it private.Your help is highly appreciated. Molly Reallusion
Official Diagnoses (by me)- The bit depth can only be so high. I was bouncing waves with 32 bit float (these files won't work in iClone, even at 44K). Exporting wavs at 16 bit works in iClone 7.93 Hope this saves some other sad sap some time and stress in the future.
OK after experimenting I've had success with a different track. The main difference is sample rates 44K VS 48K (their bit rate too). 44K worked so far (it is a mono track I believe so hopefully I haven't jumped the gun).