iClone 8
Issue 11190
Applying custom MotionPlus motion, moves character in world
1. Open a new iClone project.
2. From the content tab, select the default Kevin character and bring him into the scene.
3. From the Modify tab, set the move transform for x,y and z to the following: x:100, y:300, z:500
4. Reframe Kevin in the viewport.
5. From the content panel, select Animation -> Motion-Plus -> Animated
6. Apply the Idle02_M.iMotionPlus to Kevin
7. In the content panel, select the Custom tab.
8. Select Animation -> Motion-Plus
9. Ensure Kevin is still selected in the view port, and click the "Save" button.
10. Give the motion any name you wish.
11. Delete the motion applied to Kevin on the timeline. Do not delete the transform keyframe. Just delete the animation.
12. Apply the motion to Kevin that you saved in step 9.
13. Kevin will disappear from the viewport.
14. Zoom out to find Kevin. He will be above the viewport.

Kevin's position in the world changed immediately after applying the animation, but notice that his transform is still set to the same as in step 3.

This will seriously mess with Unreal Live Link.

Let me know if you can't reproduce and I'll provide a video.

OS: Windows 11
  •  1
  •  205
Submitted byjames978
Update:  This issue can be reproduced with MotionPlus, Motion, and imported animations from Mixamo.  It also appears that the character only moves on the Z axis.  X and Y are unaffected.  

I'm struggling to come up with a viable workaround.  How are others managing multiple animations on the same character?  The best workaround I've found is to just create one large timeline, with all animations, and space them out so that dialog between characters do not overlap.  Then export each animation one at a time.