iClone 7
Released in 7.83
Issue 7339
Any attempt to copy (CTRL-C) a key on the timeline crashes the iClone
Any attempt to copy (by CTRL-C or by context menu) a key on the timeline crashes the iClone.

It happened in all iClone versions since 7.71, on two different computers/hardware, on large and small projects, immediately after project is loaded or far late, on props, effects, also on characters (CC3/CC3+), large or small projects, on Transform or Motion timelines... It was and still is my worst nightmare regarding iClone.

Now finally I've got a project where the crash is happening 10/10 attempts when trying to copy the... very first, default Effect (Contrast) keyframe. Consistent crash, all the time at the same memory address (according to the Windows message box). It happens on any key, but this one is the quickest, simplest and.... most ridiculous one.

I've found on an old report here the "iClone WER Crash" provided by you and installed accordingly, but I was able to get only the iClone logfile, I didn't find the crash dump.

I really hope this would help you to fix this issue.
Many thanks.
OS: Windows 10
  •  7
  •  3380
Submitted byAmper Sand
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Amper Sand
Hi Molly
The issue seems to be fixed in latest 7.83.4723.1 - I've tried the same project I've used when I reported the issue,  now is working OK. Also played with few others, again - no problem. So, from my point of view, the issue is fixed and you may close the ticket.
Many thanks!
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi ampertox,

You're right,we have fix it in 7.83,I'm going to change the status of this issue.Thanks.

Please solve this asap. This is pretty critical to any iclone project. I had over twenty crashes for the past 4 hours.

I get the same problem on any of my projects...! Copy and paste is becoming a fear!
I hope there is a fix soon...!
Amper Sand
Hi Molly

Thank you for your quick response. Here's the video:
and also I attached the system info report generated by RLSystemInfoCollector.

I want to mention - my iClone/3D work is only a hobby, my basic training is software developer and I'm working in the same company for almost 15 years, so if anything as a (beta)tester from my side could help to fix this bug, please let me know.

Thanks again
Amper Sand
Hi Molly

Here's the link:
It's "trimmed" to ~600MB from original ~4GB project, but still able to reproduce the issue as described in the initial video: launch, load, click the Contrast's key then Ctrl-C. In case it's not crashing, do a File/New Project then load the project again. I really hope you'll be able to catch it.
Thanks and have a nice weekend!
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi ampertox,

Can you provide your project to us to help us identify the problem?Please attach the file in your next comment. If the file size is larger than 10MB, you can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and put the link in your comment. You can use Private Comment if you want to keep it private.Your help is highly appreciated.

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi ampertox,

Thank you for your feedback.Please capture a screen video about this issue, put it on the YouTube, and add the link in your next comment.

Your help is highly appreciated.

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