Issue 6332
Animation layer not working in iclone and curve editor
The curve editor stopped working again a couple of weeks ago, when I checked I needed some updates to the iclone programs which I installed and that fixed the problem. so now I have all the latest updates an yet I find again the curve editor has stopped working properly. when animating figures. Transitions appear but when selecting layer keys the graph area goes a very dark gray and the scrub function doesn't work with the indicator stuck..... I also notice in iclone when animating figures (Standard iclone) that when key framing the motion layer instead of getting an motion area that grows in duration with the keys. Each key frame creates a individual motion block 1 frame in duration.
Bringing in a motion creates a motion area as normal. I can then add key frames as normal in this motion, but iclone refuses to build a motion area from using input keyframes.
The animation layer for objects however works fine.
So the ability to build a motion area for characters from my own keyframes is gone !!!!
I had to reinstall iclone and curve editor to get it working again..................
10/15/2019 I always try not to email angry but................
I just tried opeing CC3 for the first time since the the above. It first reported "cant connect to server" then shut. On the second attempt CC3 reported that CC3 needs the directx v11 drivers . implying the very latest 431.70-quadro-desktop Nvidia drivers arnt good enough
SO I had to make backups of all of my custom files and characters uninstall CC3 then download and reinstall all the CC3 files and addons (AGAIN)
Oddly enough without having to do anthing about my directx opengl or anything to do with video. After the reinstall CC3 worked.
No other suite of programs causes this much problems to me. and before you suggest I check my system for something or other
Yours is the only. THE ONLY suite of programs that repeatedly stops working for apparently no reason..... while blaming everything other than itself (Directx case in point)
Maybe if customers could bill you for downtime due to software instability you'd do more than offer to pass the problem on to your software team. which I suspect is code for "File delete"
Submitted byblindman
Oct 16, 2019