Adjust bones drops the ability to adjust bones that weren't mapped with Characterization - please fix! They can still work with FK mode
I don't know if this is a bug or an oversight, but bones that weren't included in characterization should be adjustable, this is essential!
FK mode in Edit Motion Layer still allows us to animate non characterized bones with FK which is awesome but we have no way to refine the bones in CC4.
Symmetry doesn't seem to work with HIK Characters as well.
Update: I figured it out, users must set "unused" bones to "used"
This makes the bones available for spring effects, Adjust Bones & Proportion, however, I wish there was a way to make rotation independent of the mesh so if you rotated a joint like before skinning it, that the new rotation or position doesn't deform the mesh, it just keeps the weights in place.
To put it another way.. once characterized, non assigned bones appear to be non editable with "Adjust Bones" which is problematic because we would still need to adjust the bones so we can animate them in Edit Motion Layer's FK mode - at least.
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