This happens all the time to me. It's a pain in the ass to have to write a long description of this and then upload to dropbox. 4 times they came back with the answer my data got corrupted. I don't do it most times. I usually try myself sometimes taking hours to fix. Some times one thing works. I've moved a wav track and then back and had that work.( I wish that worked more) I reset everything I can reset. Sometimes it works others not. I have so many problems with this application, but this is the one that gets me making up swears. Why isn't this happening to everyone? I have a very good system and a hundred applications I have almost always work. I even changed C drive to a samsung evo ssd from a WD Black NVME, even though that was working fine. I have a bunch of characters I don't wan to Portland so I'm hoping they fix this. This is way too long. sorry, but they should just fix this
i have the same issue at version 4.5.3511.1
this is true, i too have been frustrated by this. let's give reallusion what they are asking for, a video showing the same.
Yes it does, I found a work around where I delete the overwritten part that then restores the original voice. Ill make a video to show it working so you can see what is happening. Ill link it tonight.
Hi tipton, Did this issue still exist? We need more information in order to help you. Allen Reallusion