I use the programs: iClone7, AccuRIG_1.1.0 and 3DXchange7. I have the next problem: I can scannen 3D body object with Microsoft 3D_Scan software and save the model in format *.obj .(Microsoft_3D_obj_Test17.jpg) AccuRIG: AccuRIG can load, process the model and generate an animate-able charater. Character Export from AccuRIG for iClone7: Export FBX: Tes17.fbx (accuRIG_Test17.jpg)
3DXchange: Open Test17.fbx Modify/Selected:RootNode/Type: Prop !!!!???? NOT OK Apply to iClone (3DXchangeTest17.jpg) iClone7: object as prop not avatar !!?? ( iClone7Test17.jpg)
The same procedure with AccuRIG Sample Character: Bianca AccuRIG: File/Load sample chracter: Bianca.obj Export FBX: Bianca.fbx 3DXchange: Open Bianca.fbx Modify/Selected:RootNode/Type: Non Standard Character Apply to iClone iClone7: object as avatar OK!!!!!!
Main question: How can I get an iClone7 avatar from in AccuRIG rigged 3D body(*.obj)?