iClone 8
Issue 11221
Ability to resize the UI - even on a 4k screen the UI takes up 80% of the viewport
There needs to be a way to resize the UI in both IClone and Character Creator. Even at 4k resolution the UI is gigantic, to the point that the actual 3d viewport is TINY if you are going to actually do anything.

Compare an open scene in IClone with a similar scene in Unreal, Unity or 'any' other 3d program - the UI is there to HELP us, but it needs to be able to get out of the way.

Yes I know you can doc / undock panels etc but trying to work on a project with a dozen different animated characters, environment etc with the timeline / MD windows open and you get a tiny window to actually work in.

This makes the program feel very broken and limiting. I am constantly having to resize windows etc to actually get work done, which is ridiculous.

See attached screenshot - for me to actually be able to use the Timeline with MD Controls, the character list (where I record / set characters active etc) on the MD Controls panel is TINY - I can only see 3 of the dozens of characters I have in the scene.

This is ridiculous
OS: Windows 10
  • 2024-03-28 08_01_01-.png
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Submitted bygekido