iClone 6
Released in 7.1
Issue 296
A Grapheditor would be superb to extend the Timeline Features
First off all big thanks for sharing this BIG GREAT News . Awesome and really exciting .

Perhaps it is the right Time to ask for Timelineenhanchment like a G R A P H E D I T O R ??

( i read what to expect 2016 but there was no talk about something like that or did i miss this part)

for edit all the finest movements and have FULL control over all axes -x.-y,-z,x,y,z. like all good animationtools have ( Carrara,Cinema4D, AfterFX , Blender name a few) and additional Features for the Dopesheet ( like presets to store a set of settings )?

I bet this would rock additionaly to the upcoming Features.

BTW. Excellent Feedback Tracker platform ....Indeed we see there is a lot of action in all directionns at reallusion. Thumbs UP! BIG DEAL!

Thank you very much for this HOT NEWS and go on with your Super and amazing work.

2IDs media:design
OS: Windows 10
  •  8
  •  5835
Submitted by2IDs media:design
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Feedback Tracker Admin
Thank you very much for your feedback.

Our Developer team is discussing the future of Timeline in iClone and we would add it to the next-generation of our product.
It's about time to put some real tools into the hands of the community. Iclone is really a great solution to hobbyists, but there's no reason that can't mean having access to pro level tools. 
Yes yes yes, absolutely yes...  it was "promised" for iClone6, but ....
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