As others have reported my 3Dxchange Pipeline crashes on startup. I get the splash screen then the main window opens for a split second in the upper left and immediately closes/crashes. No error is reported or anything.
I read every post on this and tried everything - reinstalling, clean nvidia drivers, repair 2013 c++ x86 for my Win 10 Pro GTX 1070 machine. I am using the very latest gtx 1070 drivers as of this date. I also tried the dpi scaling thing. Nothing is fixing it.
I'm also one step ahead of the standard response I see in every feedback tracker post about this and have my log files for you.
With further testing if I disable my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 driver, I can launch 3dxchange successfully.
I believe this eliminates the possibility that this has anything to do with C++ redistributables.
I hope this helps and I'm still looking for a fix, but because of course with many graphics card disabled I can't do much of anything : /