Cartoon Animator 5
Issue 9413
360 Panorama feature request
Request a feature for Cartoon Animator 5 which will allow users to import as 360 panorama photo as a background. The purpose of using a 360 panorama is for reducing workflow and providing the animator with multi-perspective shots for their scenes without the need to redraw backgrounds. In addition, this will give the camera a more cinematic quality and feel to the final render.
OS: Windows 10
  •  13
  •  758
Submitted byLeeMan
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Hi Lee 


I feel very passionate about photography as it’s been one of my hobbies. For many years. I may be able to update you on my progress by purchasing the 360 panoramic hardware and software which I may be able to utilise in cartoon animator five 

From Alan
The pros and cons on 360

Hi lee

Yes, I have voted for this plug in that would make animator 5
Cool the work with.

I have just seen what you were trying to do on YouTube

To get the look and feel
Very well done

I wish you a happy Easter on

What can be done with animator 5 so far panoramic pictures are supported

But not 360  

Again I have been doing some homework on this 360 again

But found the pros and cons

Tedious software & dedicated 3d software

Which fall into two groups 

That is 1. Step by step flaming
2. Key flaming

See small video attachment what 3d software can do for you

This is of course down to personal preference on a look and feel message that you wish to convey

There are many ways to do this in styling 

From Alan
Hope this helps you more
Here is a link to my YouTube video explaining the 360 panorama feature request.

Remember, if you like to see this feature added to CT5 then don't forget to click the vote button. All votes matter!!!!

Thanks: Lee
hi lee, I'll be looking forward to your progress. I have taken a quick look the feature looks really cool. I suggest videoing it by mapping out your paths first. see example picture as a aid. From Alan
  • marking out your video path.jpg
Hello Alan, Thank you for looking into this feature request. I also have been able to do simple panning with a small degree of success. The feature I am after uses equirectangular lines in the 360 panorama, so basically the camera is inside a sphere and the user can orbit 360 within the scene. To reproduce this amazing feature you will need a paint program called clip studio paint ex. Simply create a new document 1920x1080 add a new 3d layer and insert the 360 panorama (sorry photoshop has depreciated their 3d toolsets). The backgrounds and cinematic shots that are achievable are beyond words, it's truly amazing and time saving for the artist. And who knows maybe a great asset to purchase from the marketplace. I will try and upload a video to my youtube channel showing my results so that you or someone else can duplicate them. Thanks, Lee
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