Hi alik.asdf2014, Thank you for reporting this issue. There are some issue that we need to confirm with you. Step1. Please follow the link below to find the CMS files. Please capture the screen of the CMS folder for us. %ProgramData%\Reallusion\CMS Step2. Close the iClone/CC AP. Please follow the link below to download "Reset DB_OfficialSG.zip". After the decompression, please run administrator to execute it. Then you can wait about 10 sec, for the CMS files to establish. Please check if the CMS files have been rebulit? https://forum.reallusion.com/Attachment6912.aspx Step3. If the CMS files has been renewed, you can open any AP and check if the Smart Gallery is existed. Please let us know the result. Thank you so much. Soya Reallusion
Character Creator v3.22/ не видит/ smart gallery plug-in for character creator