The Reallusion Content Store introduces the new Cartoon Animator 4 (renamed from CrazyTalk Animator) complete with smart IK Editing and all the powerful animation features a 2D software should have to empower a wide array of animation pipelines.

Get this Fantastic December Offer by accumulating $299 in purchases in the Content Store through the month of December to qualify for a free copy of Cartoon Animator 4 Pipeline. For more details, see the Terms and Conditions .

FREE Upgrade

All qualified users with purchases made in December 2018 will receive a FREE COPY of CARTOON ANIMATOR 4 when it is released in early 2019.


Click HERE and log into your account to see if you qualify for a free copy of Animator 4 Pipeline when it is released in early 2019.




  1. Promotion: Get Cartoon Animator 4 Pipeline for FREE with an Accrued Order Value over $299 during the month of December 2018.
  2. Promotion starts from December 1st, 2018 00:00 UTC to December 31st, 2018 23:59 UTC.
  3. Offer Details: Any content purchase made from Reallusion Content Store with an accrued order value over $299 during the month of December 2018 will qualify to receive a free copy of Cartoon Animator 4 - Pipeline Edition (value of $199).
  4. Each qualified member will receive ONE FREE COPY of Cartoon Animator 4 - Pipeline Edition.
  5. This promotion is only for purchases made in the Reallusion Content Store , including DA points. Content packs purchased from Software Bundle packages*, or from the Reallusion Marketplace, do not qualify for this promotion.
  6. The final sales price after all discounts and coupons have been calculated is the value that will be accrued during this promotional period.
  7. Qualified members will be officially announced and contacted via email approximately 7 working days after the promotion ends. All contacts and announcements prior to this date in regards to eligibility, are considered as reference only, and not as part of an official announcement.
  8. In the case of refunds for purchases made during the promotional period, the refund amount will be deducted from the total value accumulated during the promotional period. If the refund is made after the promotion, resulting in a total accumulated value of less than the requirement, then the qualification and the serial number for the free copy of Cartoon Animator 4 - Pipeline Edition will be invalidated.
  9. Terms and Conditions of this promotion are subject to change without notice.

* Software Bundle packages are Tool(s) bundled with Content purchasable in the Reallusion Software Store.