1. Cans
Desert Storm Army Base
2. Guns
(from Sci-Fi Robots & Machines)
3. Joints
(from iClone 4 Default 3D Blocks)
4. Siren Light
5. Leather Belt
Occupations - Law Enforcement
X5 Iron Horse
1. Body Structures
(from Sci-Fi Robots & Machines)
2. Joints
(from Sci-Fi Robots & Machines)
3. Jets
(from Sci-Fi Robots & Machines)
Base on
Creature Base Horse and Tack
Fire Extinguisher
1. Hydrants
City Elements - Downtown Metro Areas Vol.1
2. Axe & Face Mask
Occupations - Fire Fighting
3. Wheels
R4 Raider
1. Joints & Structures
(from Sci-Fi Robots & Machines)
2. Tentacles
Flowing Hair Elements Vol.1
Squid Agent
1. Joints & Structures
(from Sci-Fi Robots & Machines)
2. Joint
Flowing Hair Elements Vol.1
M1 Saw Rocker
1. Wheel Saw
(from Sci-Fi Robots & Machines)
2. Structures
(from Sci-Fi Robots & Machines)
Base on
iClone Creature Character: Lamp (For iClone 4 PRO user
1. Castle Wall Corner
Hundred Years' War Theme Pack
2. Stone Walls
City Elements - Medieval Village Vol.1
3. Weapons
Tribe Weapons
Roving Farm
1. House & Well
City Elements - Medieval Village Vol.1
2. Tree
Creature Base - Legend of Dragon
3. Garden
Nature Builder-Gardening
4. Track
(from iClone 4 Default 3D Blocks)
5. Gooses
Animal World Vol.1 - Countryside
Mobile Cottage
1. Tree
Creature Base - Legend of Dragon
2. Cottage
City Elements - Medieval Village Vol.1
3. Fence
City Elements - Medieval Village Vol.1
4. Box
(from iClone 4 Default 3D Blocks)
Willow Wind-Bot
1. Tree
Creature Base - Legend of Dragon
2. Windmill
City Elements - Medieval Village Vol.1
Copyright © 2010 Reallusion, Inc.