Night City

Night City

Artist : Dexsoft

Required Product :

*For CC v3.00 or above; iC v5.50 or above.
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Night City by Dexsoft Games

Night City is a complete full scene prop which has been pre-formed as a bustling Metropolitan City lit up for night-time with windows shining for night-time utilizing the glow channel. The Scene Prop has been set up with sub-props having centre bottom pivots, so you can easily move things around to adjust your scene.

In addition, you get all the individual props supplied as single props for setting up your own scenes as you like.

Please note that the Scene Prop does not have all normal and spec maps applied to every prop, to save on scene resources when using the full city prop. However, all the single props are fully loaded, and you can easily save the additional maps from the single props and apply to the props in the scene for your closeups if desired.

This is a great setting for urban night-time settings, including active night-life or gang/crime backdrops.