

Meticulously-Rigged Mechanical Characters

The Adroit Female Armor is the pinnacle of a feminine sci-fi warrior. These sets of light, and nimble armors have been engineereed through modular components with hardened helmets, protective torsos, battle-ready lower sections, and combat arms. Delivering a perfect balance between imaginative features and practical, real-world designs. Several techniques and processes have been employed to create and refine these armored character bases that not only look cool, but that also offer logical battle functions.


One Adroit Female Armor is composed of three different sets of PBR materials used separately for each helmet, torso, lower, and arm segments. Additional materials have been provided in 4K resolution for ultimate render quality and details.

Modular Armor Outfit System

The Female armor system consists of a protective torso, lower battle section, combat arms, and a bullet-proof helmet glass which you can clear or dematerialize to reveal the character's face. You can also remove the helmet entirely to carry on hand. You are able to freely assemble and combine these armored components with your existing Character Creator outfits to create brand-new character styles.

Note: All 4 Modular Armor Outfits are also saved as Props & Effect Maps. This allows you to use the Substance Mixer tool to customize and change materials. See the How To video below to learn more.

Custom Paint your own textures

UV materials are provided with Normal, Metallic, Roughness and occlusion maps, allowing you to easily customize and create new armor styles with your favorite 3D paint tools.

How to

Compatible with iClone Super Substance Tools

See how you can use Props & Effect Maps with Substance Mixer tool to easily change materials and turn the helmet glass transparent.